Ways to Volunteer

Office Volunteer
Greets visitors to the headquarters office and performs administrative duties.

Poll Observers
Observers are part of a coordinated system to quickly detect, mitigate, and document election-related disruptions in registration, voting, and counting periods for early voting, election day and post-election day activities.

Event Volunteer
Manage registration, event set-up/take-down and other related activities.

Become a Precinct Committeeman
A Precinct Committeeman (PC) is the most important elected official in the Republican Party. PCs are the foundation of the party. As a PC you represent the interests of your precinct as a voting member of the Yavapai County Republican Committee and provide education and party updates to the Voters of your precinct. A PC is the activist party worker at the grassroots level.
Get involved and make a difference. Become a Precinct Committeeman today.